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Warning !! Whitish could Causes of Death and Infertility

Whitish problem is a problem that has long been an issue for women. Not many women who know what it is whitish and sometimes underestimate the problem of vaginal discharge in women. Though vaginal discharge can not be taken lightly, as a result of this whiteness can be very fatal if slow handled. Not only can lead to infertility and pregnancy outside the womb, vaginal discharge can also be an early symptom of cancer of the cervix, which can lead to death. What exactly is that whiteness? Like what characteristics? And how to prevent it?According to dr. Sugi Suhandi, specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Mitra Kemayoran Jakarta, vaginal discharge (flour albus) is the excess fluid that comes out of the vagina. Whitish can be physiological (under normal circumstances), but can also be pathological (due to illness). And whitish no boundaries of age. No matter how old a woman, could be exposed to whitish.

Whitish physiological usually occurs in the fertile period, also before and after menstruation. "Sometimes there was an excessive mucus, it's normal. And usually not itchy and does not smell, "said dr. Sugi. Meanwhile, if pathological vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge that occurs is due to infection of the vagina, the presence of a foreign body in the vagina or due to malignancy. Infection can be as a result of bacteria, fungi or protozoa. The characteristics of pathological vaginal discharge, color is not like mucus. "Whitish pathological usually, the color of cream, green or yellowish, or even mixed with blood, that whiteness has become a disease," said dr. Sugi. When the whiteness has become a disease, pathological vaginal discharge yangmenderita woman will feel itching in the vaginal area, and smelling mucus, causing an uncomfortable feeling.Many things that actually make women prone to pathological vaginal discharge. Usually these pathological cause of vaginal discharge due to germs. "In actual vagina is not a sterile environment. Various kinds of bacteria there. Normal flora in the vagina to help keep the acidity of the vaginal pH, the optimal state. vaginal pH should be between 3.5 to 5.5. normal flora can be disrupted. For example, due to the use of antiseptics in the vagina area. This imbalance results in the growth of fungi and other germs. Whereas the presence of the normal flora needed to suppress the other plants not to thrive. If the acidity of the vagina changes, other germs will easily grow so that the result can be an infection that eventually causes whitish, the smell, itching, and cause discomfort, "said dr. Sugi that afternoon was encountered in the RS Mitra Kemayoran.
Once a woman doing a conjugal relationship, then the woman opened once against germs that come from outside. Therefore whiteness can be obtained from venereal disease causing organisms that may be carried by the female partner. "So you should not substitute for the pair. Or better abstain until marriage. Because usually in women who have never had a relationship, and hygienenya well, rarely subject to pathological vaginal discharge. And be careful, pathological vaginal discharge can also be due to the process of malignancy. One sign of cervical cancer is, the existence of a foul-smelling vaginal discharge even bloody, "said dr. Sugi. "In women who have conjugal intercourse, vaginal discharge may also occur. But the cause of vaginal discharge can occur due to use shared panties, wearing a towel together, the lack of hygiene vaginal area, and also cebok wrong way, "said dr. Sugi.
Use antiseptic soap is now widely advertised, for the vaginal area, is actually not a problem when applied externally. Flushing the vagina (douchi) with antiseptics should be on the basis of indications when exposed whitish, should a doctor, rather than cope alone with drugs antiseptic that is inserted into the vagina whitish pathology should be treated in accordance with the cause, "said dr. Sugi.
Whitish should be treated early, so symptoms. Because whiteness when it is chronic and lasts a long time will be more difficult to treat. In addition, if the discharge is left to creep into the uterine cavity and then kesaluran ovaries and to the ovaries and eventually into the pelvic cavity. Not infrequently women who suffer from chronic vaginal discharge (years) could be infertile can even result in death. "Affects death because it can result in a pregnancy outside the womb. Ectopic pregnancy, bleeding, resulting in the death of the mother, "said dr. Sugi. In addition to beware, whiteness is the initial symptom of cervical cancer. So do not be late to know what the cause of vaginal discharge. Which certainly do not underestimate the whiteness. So that you do not regret it in the back of the day, as a result of vaginal discharge caused by this disease.
To note that this is about vaginal discharge:

How to correct vaginal rinse, after exhausted after defecation or urination, you should rinse the vagina from front to back in the direction of the anus.
Whitish physiological (normal), characteristics, such as mucus clear mucus, not itchy and odorless.
Whitish pathological (due to illness), characteristics, color mucus is not clear anymore but white like cream, yellow to greenish or brownish, even reddish because of the blood. Usually accompanied by itching, and there was an odor that accompanies it.
Pathological causes of vaginal discharge (For Disease):

That causes infection by bacteria, fungi, or protozoa
Cervical cancer malignancy
Foreign body in the vagina (eg, condoms left)
How to prevent vaginal discharge:

Maintain cleanliness of the vaginal area
Rinsing the vagina in the right way
Do not like exchange-exchange panties used panties along with other female friends
Do not use the same towel (like exchange-exchange towels)
More careful - careful in using a public toilet facilities
Live a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet with nutrition
Avoid mutually exchange partner in touch
For women who are already doing a conjugal relationship, each year have to do a pap smear to detect the temperament of the cells in the mouth and cervix.

Whitish In Women - Types, Causes and Prevention

Problems whiteness is a classic problem in most women. Ironically, most women do not know about vaginal discharge and cause of vaginal discharge in women themselves and instead are made of whiteness as a light matter. Indeed, if not handled properly, whiteness can be fatal. Infertility and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb) may be one result of the vaginal discharge, in addition to the initial symptoms of cervical cancer usually begins with this presence of whiteness. And of course, cervical cancer is a type of disease that is dangerous if not handled properly, will lead to death. So do not take lightly whitish. (Read: Whitish can cause sterility and Death)

Whitish will often teralami when a woman is pregnant, it is due to hormonal changes that occur and one effect of the hormonal enhancement is the increased fluid production and caused also by pregnant women vaginal acidity decreased, also due to digestive conditions change. This causes an increased risk of frequent occurrence keputhan in pregnant women, especially vaginal discharge caused by fungal infection.Type Discharge
Whitish divided into two types, namely the physiological and pathological.Whitish Physiological
This type of vaginal discharge usually frequent the fertile period, and the time before and after menstruation. Usually when these conditions are often contained excess mucus, it is a normal thing, and usually do not cause itching and odorless. Physiological whitish in pregnant women do not affect the fetus directly, because of the membranes that can protect the fetus.
Whitish physiological or too many so-called normal vaginal discharge have characteristics:

Whiteness aqueous fluid
Discharge creamy or clear
Discharge does not smell
Not cause itching
The amount of fluid that comes out relatively little
Whitish Pathological
Whitish pathological type is also known as an abnormal vaginal discharge. This type of vaginal discharge is included into the type of disease. Whitish pathology can cause a variety of effects and it can be very disturbing for women's health in general and especially the health of feminine area.
Whitish pathological result of the infection will lead to an increased risk of premature birth in pregnant women and infants will also become infected. Babies who are at risk of viral infection ganngguan digestive and respiratory disorders can cause a baby to death. And infants with infections due to bacteria can cause blindness in infants.
Whitish-ceiri pathologically characterized as follows:

Fluid is viscous
Discharge has a milky white color, or yellow or green also
Whitish pathological cause itching
Discharge has a bad odor
Usually leaves patches were seemingly in panties
The amount of fluid that comes out very much.
Cause Whitish
Poor hygiene factors. Cleanliness in the vagina darerah be maintained. If, on the vaginal area is not kept clean will cause
various diseases one keputhan. This causes vaginal moisture has increased and this makes the pathogenic bacteria causing the infection would be very easy to spread.

Stressed Out. All organ performance is influenced and controlled by the brain, so when the brain receptors undergo stress conditions this can lead to changes and hormonal balance in the body HORMONES and this can lead to a vaginal discharge.
The use of drugs. Antibitok drug use in the long term can cause the immune system to the female body, and antibiotics usually can cause vaginal discharge. While the disruption of hormonal balance can also be caused by use of birth
Discharge caused by fungi, parasites, bacteria and viruses
Fungus Monilia or Candidas. Characterized by having a milky white color, very fluid talents, very smelly not seda and cause itching around the vagina area. This can cause inflammation and redness of the vagina experience. Usually it is also triggered by the presence of diabetes, use of birth control pills, as well as the body which has a low resistance.Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Occurs and is transmitted through sexual contact, lip toilet or by toiletries. Characterized, highly viscous liquid that comes out, has a yellow or green, frothy and rancid. Vaginal discharge due to parasite does not cause itching, but if pressed pussy will hurtBacteria Gardnella
Vaginal discharge due to bacterial infection is characterized by gray-colored, slightly watery, have a smell ami and bubbly. Whitish this type can cause itching that is very disturbing.Virus
Whitish this type arise from venereal disease, seerti HIV / AIDS, herpes and conyloma. The emergence of warts that much and followed by smelling liquid indicates condyloma virus. Usually pregnant women are often infected by this virus. Virus that can be transmitted by sexual intercourse is the herpes virus. Characteristics sores blisters around the vaginal opening, hot and itchy. Cervical cancer is very dangerous for women can trigger by discharge caused by vaginal discharge due to a virus.Preventing Whitish

Always wash your sex organs. Bersihakan by using cleansers that do not cause the pH stability in your vaginal area. Use cleaning products made from milk. Products made from dairy ingredients to maintain pH balance also increase flora and unfriendly bacteria can be suppressed. The use of antiseptic soap is not good for the vagina in the long run, because it is hard agat.
Do not use powder or powder which aims to make sweet or dry vagina. Powder is very small and delicate, it is easily tucked away and can not terbersihkan, so that invites fungus in the vagina.
Dry your vagina always after a shower, or mencui cebok vagina before you get dressed
Wear underwear always dry. Always try to bring back to in case your underwear needs to be replaced
Use the outer pants that have pores enough, not too seirng using outer pants are tight, it can cause sirkluasi in feminine area disturbed.
Use pants in cotton, because cotton is able to absorb sweat.
When the menstrual period, often to you changing pads
Panty liners are used when it is necessary only agree, do not use too long.
If you are stressed, take time off or leave you, relax your mind the moment. Because stress can also spur whitish
Reduce to activities that make you very tired, hot and a lot of sweat, or if it is doing the activity, take a bath and wash your body, especially the pubic area.

Breast Cancer Treatment Without Surgery

Traditional treatment of breast cancer to be an alternative for you to suppress the growth of breast cancer cells. Although in need of medical attention to determine the extent of the development of cancer cells in your breast but this traditional treatment can accompany medical treatment in breast cancer.

Here is a plant that has a property for you in helping the treatment of breast cancer:
1. Leaves soursop
Traditional treatment of cancer with natural ingredients found not inferior to medical treatment, chemotherapy. Soursop leaves which turn out to have efficacy for breast cancer, the study was supported by research conducted in European countries. In fact, the researchers believe soursop leaves can treat breast cancer more than the power of chemotherapy. The content of soursop as acetogenins, muricapentocin, annocatacin, linoleic acid, annocatalin, gigantetroin and other compounds that turned out to have efficacy in treating some types of cancer, including breast cancer. You can create a way soursop leaf tea leaves 10 old soursop boiled in 3 cups of water and then leaving that to 1 cup and then you can drink 2 times each day.
2. Rosella
Roselle is useful to prevent cancer and inflammatory diseases, Moreover, it can help you in controlling blood pressure and others. Rosella flower itself contains vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2. Rosella flower itself contains calcium which is so high around It also contains Magnesium, Omega 3, Vitamin A, Iron, Potassium, Beta Caroteen & Acid Essential. See abortion has seen so much benefit to be gained.
3. Skin Mangosteen
The content of the mangosteen fruit has anti-cancer, inhibit cancer cells in the breast. There xanthone content useful extraordinary for health especially for you in keeping kesehataan in helping to prevent breast cancer. The content of Xanthones can help expand the blood vessels so as to facilitate the circulation of your blood. In addition, the mangosteen fruit contains minerals and kaliaum that it can help the energy metabolism. In a further study was not only just but the content of antioxidant and anti-cancer agents in betel mangosteen xanthones able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. The resulting extract of mangosteen peel able to be antiproliferative that can inhibit the development of cancer cells, including breast cancer. And mangosteen peel extract is able to be apoptosis that is capable of destroying cancer cells.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric apparently has kandungajn curcumol that can help you fight against breast cancer. The way you can use white turmeric peeled then boiled in 4 cups of water to be 2 cups. Then taken regularly twice a day. Or you can mix 6 grams of saffron white with 10 grams of parasites tae add 5 grams and 5 grams of pearl grass hibiscus hedgehog and 3 grams of rodent tuber then boiled with 3-4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups of water. Cool briefly before drinking.
5. Tread virgin
Contains 70 kinds of alkaloids that can help you in the treatment of breast cancer. You can boil 15 grams of leaves of vinca degan 3 cups water to a boil then take the water filter. You can drink it regularly, twice a day in the morning and evening. Or you can also mix 22 tapa virgin leaves, bark and fruit pulasari saffron fennel then boiled in 3 cups of water to boil. You can add brown sugar to taste. Do it 3 times a day each time at a dose of half a glass.

10 Powerful Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer

1. Maintain weight
Maintaining a healthy weight throughout your life is proven to maintain health. You can calculate the BMI or Body Mass Index by means of weight (in kilograms) divided by height in meters quadrant, has been shown to significantly if the increase in BMI (more than normal 25) will increase the risk of breast cancer. In addition, and an increase in BMI has been convincingly shown to increase the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer.
2. Avoid alcohol
The use of alcohol is the most established for breast cancer. Health studies show consuming more than one alcoholic drink a day can increase the risk of breast cancer as much as 20-25 percent.
3. Eat fruits and vegetablesEat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Vegetables for breast cancer protection include all vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower), greens (collards, kale, spinach), carrots and tomatoes. Fruits that have more content to prevent breast cancer is orange, berry and cherry. The best for you is by consuming raw or lightly cooked vegetables, because some phytochemicals believed to offer protection against breast cancer are destroyed by heat
4. Exercise regularly
Many studies have shown that regular exercise provides powerful protection against breast cancer. Do it for 30 minutes to perform moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking) on ​​a regular basis.
5. Reduce FatAre you fat right? This type of fat in your diet can affect the risk of breast cancer. Minimize consumption of omega-6 fats, saturated fats and trans fats. Maximize your intake of omega-3 fats, especially from oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines). Consume monounsaturated oils (olive oil, nuts / seeds, avocados) as your primary fat source, as these foods have potential anticancer properties. In particular, olive oil is a potential source of polyphenol antioxidants and nuts and seeds provide for cancer protective mineral, selenium.
6. Consumption of carbohydrates according servings
Is your carbs right? Minimize consumption of high glycemic index is white rice, white potatoes, sugar and products processed from rice, potatoes and sugar. These foods trigger hormonal changes that promote cell growth in breast tissue. Replace this your carbohydrates with whole grains and beans / legumes. Nuts for high fiber and lignan content are mainly specialized.
7. Consuming soy products
Regularly consume soy products such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk. Epidemiological studies have shown a positive association between soy consumption and breast cancer risk reduction.
8. Minimize exposure to pharmacologic estrogens and xeno-estrogens.
Do not take prescription estrogens unless medically indicated. Lifetime exposure to estrogen plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. Also avoid estrogen-like compounds found in environmental pollutants, such as pesticides and industrial chemicals. It is recommended to use organic products if you can not avoid it then wash the non-organic products correctly.
9. Think positive and do not smoke
Engage in self-nurturing behaviors regularly. Develop warm and mutually beneficial relationships with family and friends. Get enough sleep (7-8 hours per night). Research has shown that long-term smoking is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in some women.
10. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding your baby until the right time. Women who breastfeed their babies for at least one year in total decreased risk of breast cancer.

How is lupus treated?

There is currently no cure for lupus, nor has there been a new drug to treat the disease in the last 50 years, although there are a number of new drugs currently being researched or in clinical trials. However, early diagnosis and proper medical treatment can significantly help control the disease and its symptoms. Treating lupus effectively consists of minimizing symptoms, reducing inflammation and pain, helping maintain normal function, and preventing serious complications.
Since the disease affects each person differently, treatments are usually tailored to the specific problems that arise in each person. Medications and dosages will also vary depending on the severity of the disease. 

When lupus presents with mild or moderate symptoms, the following medications are commonly used in treatment:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, naproxen sodium (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). Common side effects of NSAIDs include stomach bleeding and an increased risk of heart problems.
  • Antimalarial drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil). There is no known relationship between lupus and malaria, but malaria medicines have been useful in treating lupus symptoms and haven prevented flares of the disease. Side effects include vision problems and muscle weakness.
  • Corticosteroids to counter inflammation. Serious long-term side effects include weight gain, easy bruising, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, and increased risk of infection. The risk of osteoporosis can be reduced by taking calcium and vitamin D supplements.

When lupus presents with severe or aggressive symptoms, the following treatments are commonly used:

  • High-dose corticosteroids. These may be taken intravenously or orally to control dangerous signs or symptoms of lupus. However, serious side effects have been observed such as infections, mood swings, hypertension and osteoporosis. Doctors tend to administer the lowest dose possible that will control symptoms, reducing the dosage over time.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) and azathioprine (Imuran). These drugs suppress the immune system and may be helpful in serious lupus cases. They also carry a risk of serious side effects such as an increased risk of infection, liver damage, infertility and an increased risk of cancer.

Other common treatments for specific signs and symptoms of lupus include:

  • Staying out of the sun and wearing sun block to prevent skin rashes. Indoor fluorescent lighting can also trigger skin rashes in some people with lupus. Topical corticoid steroids may be used to treat skin rashes in addition to oral steroids and antimalarial drugs.
  • Medication to treat fatigue. Difficulty sleeping, depression and poorly controlled pain are all potential causes of fatigue, and doctors will treat these underlying causes. Medications such as corticosteroids and antimalarial drugs may be used if the cause of fatigue cannot be determined.
  • NSAIDs, antimalarial drugs or corticosteroids to treat swelling around the heart and lungs that causes chest pain.

In addition to medications, physicians recommend that lupus patients take good care of themselves. Patients may see a reduction in the frequency and severity of flares if they make healthy lifestyle choices such as:

  • Regular exercise.
  • Becoming educated about lupus.
  • Not smoking.
  • Eating a healthful, balanced diet.
  • Surrounding oneself with a support system of family, friends, and health professionals.
Recent developments on lupus diagnosis and treatment from MNT news
Yale University have reported the development of a nanogel-based delivery system that targets an immunosuppressive drug (mycophenolic acid) directly to tissues associated with immune cells. Their studies suggest that future nanogel-based therapies may prove useful in the treatment of lupus.
Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) have discovered an immune protein influencing autoimmune diseases such as lupus. The researchers think a new mutation of the immune protein may help scientists develop more personalized autoimmune disease treatments.

How is lupus diagnosed?

As signs and symptoms vary considerably from person to person, there is no single diagnostic test that can confirm lupus. In addition, signs and symptoms tend to change over time and are similar to those of other disorders and diseases. These fluctuations in disease activity make lupus extremely challenging to diagnose.

Currently, doctors use guidelines established by The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) to diagnose lupus (SLE). The guidelines focus on eleven abnormalities that, when combined, suggest that the patient has lupus. To be classified as having SLE, a patient must meet 4 of the following 11 symptoms at any time since the onset of the disease:
  1. Serositis - inflammation of the membrane around the lungs (pleuritis) or the heart (pericarditis)
  2. Mucosal ulcers - small sores found in the lining of the mouth and nose
  3. Arthritis - nonerosive arthritis (tenderness, swelling, pain) of two or more peripheral joints
  4. Photosensitivity - skin rash or other symptoms caused by exposure to ultraviolet light
  5. Blood disorder - hemolytic anemia (low red blood cell count), leucopenia and lymphopenia (low white blood cell count), or thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)
  6. Renal (kidney) disorder - high protein count in urine
  7. Antinuclear antibody test positive
  8. Immunologic disorder - positives on anti-Smith, anti-ds DNA, antiphospholipid antibody tests.
  9. Neurologic disorder - seizures or psychosis
  10. Malar rash - rash on cheeks
  11. Discoid rash - red, scaly patches on skin that cause scarring

In addition to the above tests, doctors will often conduct a variety of blood tests such as:

  • Complete blood count (CBC) to detect anemia, low platelet count, and low white blood cell count
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) to determine the rate at which red blood cells settle to the bottom of a tube in an hour. Rates faster than normal may indicate lupus or another systemic disease, inflammatory condition, or infection.
  • Kidney and liver assessment to look for certain enzymes and albumin
  • Urinalysis to measure protein levels or red blood cells in the urine
  • Syphilis test to determine if anti-phospholipid antibodies are in the blood.

What are the symptoms of Lupus?

Since no two cases of lupus are exactly alike, there is a wide range of symptoms that are known to affect many parts of the body. Sometimes symptoms develop slowly or appear suddenly; they can be mild, severe, temporary, or permanent. Most people with lupus experience symptoms in only a few organs, but more serious cases can lead to problems with kidneys, the heart, the lungs, blood, or the nervous system.

Lupus episodes, or flares, are usually noted by a worsening of some of the following symptoms:

  • Achy joints (arthralgia), arthritis, and swollen joints, especially in wrists, small joints of the hands, elbows, knees, and ankles
  • Swelling of the hands and feet due to kidney problems
  • Fever of more than 100 degrees F (38 degrees C)
  • Prolonged or extreme fatigue
  • Skin lesions or rashes, especially on the arms, hands, face, neck, or back
  • Butterfly-shaped rash (malar rash) across the cheeks and nose
  • Anemia (oxygen carrying deficiency of red blood cells)
  • Pain in the chest on deep breathing or shortness of breath
  • Sun or light sensitivity (photosensitivity)
  • Hair loss or alopecia
  • Abnormal blood clotting problems
  • Raynaud's phenomenon: fingers turn white and/or blue or red in the cold
  • Seizures
  • Mouth or nose ulcers
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Dry eyes
  • Easy bruising
  • Anxiety, depression, headaches, and memory loss

Lupus can also lead to complications in several areas of the body. These include:

  • Kidneys - serious kidney damage is a primary cause of death for lupus sufferers.
  • Central nervous system - lupus can cause headaches, dizziness, memory problems, seizures, and behavioral changes.
  • Blood and vessels - lupus causes an increased risk of anemia, bleeding, blood clotting, and vessel inflammation
  • Lungs - noninfectious pneumonia and difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the chest cavity are more likely with lupus
  • Heart - heart muscle and artery inflammation are more likely with the disease, and lupus increases the chances of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
  • Infection - lupus treatments tend to depress the immune system making your body more vulnerable to infection.
  • Cancer - lupus increases the risk of cancer, especially of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, lung cancer, and liver cancer
  • Bone tissue death - a lower blood supply to bone tissue leads to tiny breaks and eventual death of bone. This is most common in the hip bone.
  • Pregnancy - lupus increases the risk of miscarriage, hypertension during pregnancy, and preterm birth.

What causes Lupus?

Although doctors are do not know exactly what causes lupus and other autoimmune diseases, most believe that lupus results from both genetic and environmental stimuli.
Since lupus is known to occur within families, doctors believe that it is possible to inherit a genetic predisposition to lupus. There are no known genes, however, that directly cause the illness. It is probable that having an inherited predisposition for lupus makes the disease more likely only after coming into contact with some environmental trigger.
The higher number of lupus cases in females than in males may indicate that the disease can be triggered by certain hormones.

Physicians believe that hormones such as estrogen regulate the progression of the disease because symptoms tend to flare before menstrual periods and/or during pregnancy.
Certain environmental factors have been known to cause lupus symptoms. These include:
  • Extreme stress
  • Exposure to ultraviolet light, usually from sunlight
  • Smoking
  • Some medications and antibiotics, especially those in the sulfa and penicillin groups
  • Some infections, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus (such as fifth disease), hepatitis C infections, and the Epstein-Barr virus (in children)
  • Chemical exposure to compounds such as trichloroethylene in well water and dust

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and lungs.
Under normal function, the immune system makes proteins called antibodies in order to protect and fight against antigens such as viruses and bacteria.
Lupus makes the immune system unable to differentiate between antigens (a substance capable of inducing a specific immune response) and healthy tissue. This leads the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue - not just antigens - causing swelling, pain, and tissue damage.
Fast facts on lupus
Here are some key points about lupus. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.
  • Lupus is an autoimmune disease - it is caused by problems in the body's immune system.
  • The type that we refer to simply as lupus is known as systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE.
  • Other types of lupus include discoid (cutaneous), drug-induced, and neonatal.
  • According to the Lupus Foundation of America, 1.5 to 2 million Americans have some form of lupus.
  • It is also said that 5 million people worldwide suffer from some form of Lupus.
  • Women are diagnosed 9 times more often than men and usually between the ages of 15 and 45.
  • Risk factors include exposure to sunlight, certain prescription medications, infection with Epstein-Barr virus, and exposure to certain chemicals.
  • Most Doctors believe that lupus results from both genetic and environmental stimuli.
  • Environmental factors include extreme stress, exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, some medications and antibiotics, infections and the Epstein-Barr virus (in children).
  • Symptoms of lupus include achy joints, swelling of hands and feet, fever, fatigue, skin lesions, rash, anemia, chest pain, light sensitivity, hair loss and more.
  • Treatments for Lupus include corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs and lifestyle changes.
  • There is currently no cure for lupus.

What are the different types of lupus?Swollen Hands - Raynauds 

Swelling of the hands can be a symptom of lupus. Photo © St Thomas' Lupus Trust

Several different kinds of lupus have been identified, but the type that we refer to simply as lupus is known as systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE. Other types include discoid (cutaneous), drug-induced, and neonatal.
Patients with discoid lupus have a version of the disease that is limited to the skin. It is characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp, and it does not affect internal organs. Less than 10% of patients with discoid lupus progress into the systemic form of the disease, but there is no way to predict or prevent the path of the disease.
SLE is more severe than discoid lupus because it can affect any of the body's organs or organ systems. Some people may present inflammation or other problems with only skin and joints, while other SLE sufferers will see joints, lungs, kidneys, blood, and/or the heart affected. This type of lupus is also often characterized by periods of flare (when the disease is active) and periods of remission (when the disease is dormant).

Discoid lupus. Photo © St Thomas' Lupus Trust
Drug-induced lupus is caused by a reaction with certain prescription drugs and causes symptoms very similar to SLE. The drugs most commonly associated with this form of lupus are a hypertension medication called hydralazine and a heart arrhythmia medication called procainamide, but there are some 400 other drugs that can also cause the condition. Drug-induced lupus is known to subside after the patient stops taking the triggering medication.
A rare condition, neonatal lupus occurs when a mother passes autoantibodies to a fetus. The unborn and newborn child can have skin rashes and other complications with the heart and blood. Usually a rash appears but eventually fades within the first six months of the child's life.

Who is affected by lupus?

According to the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA), 1.5 to 2 million Americans have some form of lupus. The prevalence is about 40 cases per 100,000 persons among Northern Europeans and 200 per 100,000 persons among African-Americans. Although the disease affects both males and females, women are diagnosed 9 times more often than men, usually between the ages of 15 and 45. African-American women suffer from more severe symptoms and a higher mortality rate.
Other risk factors include exposure to sunlight, certain prescription medications, infection with Epstein-Barr virus, and exposure to certain chemicals.

Cervical Cancer: Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared women. Based on available data, of the many cancer patients in Indonesia, cervical cancer reaches its third. And from WHO data recorded, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death among women of the world.
Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the area of ​​the cervix or the entrance to the narrow part of the uterus that is at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.
Cause of Cervical CancerHuman papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but can also move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories are already exposed to the HPV virus, can infect someone who use it if it is not cleaned properly.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid intake. Another bad habit that can cause cervical cancer is frequent intercourse with multiple partners, having sex with a man who frequently change partners and have intercourse at an early age (have intercourse at age <16 years may even increase the risk of cervical cancer 2x ). Another factor that causes cervical cancer is the offspring of cancer, the use of Pill for a very long time, too often give birth.

Characteristics of Women Suffer Cervical CancerCervical cancer requires a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer in the beginning of an infection. Therefore, when the initial phase of development will be difficult to detect. Therefore, it is suggested the women to perform a pap smear test at least 2 years, IVA test (visual inspection with acetic acid, etc. Although difficult to detect, but the following characteristics could be a clue to the woman whether he was suffering from cancer symptoms cervical or not:
  1. During intercourse as feeling pain, often followed pleh bleeding.
  2. Experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and the amount of excess
  3. Often feel pain in the pelvic region
  4. Experiencing pain during urination
  5. At the time of menstruation, blood coming out in large quantities and excess
  6. When women have advanced stage will experience pain in the thighs or one leg has swollen, becomes greatly reduced appetite, weight unstable, difficult to urinate, experience spontaneous bleeding.
Cervical Cancer Prevention
Here are some things that can be done for women in terms of preventing cervical cancer that does not happen to him, among others:
  1. Live a healthy lifestyle by eating enough nutritious food and nutrition
  2. Always maintain a healthy body and environmental sanitation
  3. Avoid cleaning the genitals with dirty water
  4. If you are a smoker, quit this bad habit
  5. Avoid having sex during early childhood
  6. Always faithful to your partner, do not bergonta let alone followed by intercourse.
  7. Perform a minimum pap smears done for 2 years, especially for those who have actively having sex
  8. If you have never had sex, it's worth doing HPV vaccination
  9.  Expand the consumption of foods that contain beta carotene vegetables pretty much, vitamin c and e.
 However, if you already detected cervical cancer, then there are several methods of treatment that can be done. If cervical cancer is detected early, the treatment is done by eliminating cervical cancer is by way of surgery, laser surgery well, electricity or by freezing and dispose of cervical cancer tissue (cyrosurgery)
For advanced cervical cancer cases will be treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy way, but if it is detected severe enough, is nothing else but to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly so that cancer does not develop.