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5 Unique Wedding Rituals in the World

Marriage is a beautiful and blissful moments that marked the union of two beings . Interestingly , wedding is often carried out with different customs . In fact, not uncommon in the middle of the happiness , the couple must pass customary procession of strange and irrational .

There are some wedding traditions are considered to be the most bizarre in the world .
1 . Bride kidnapped in Rome
Most wedding night was spent in a romantic way , but not with the customary wedding in Rome . The groom is required to ' kidnap ' the bride . This culture is condensed on the life of Roman gypsies . When a man managed to kidnap a girl and hide it for two - three days , he will officially become a wife .
2 . Marrying animals in India
India is no stranger to superstition stories , including in marriage . Santhal tribe in India believe that if a baby girl is teething gums on the top of the first, it was a sign she will be eaten by a tiger in the near future . Therefore , he must marry an a ** ng to remove the bad influence . This story experienced by a child aged nine years , Karnamoni Handsa , who is married to a dog . Marriage was made festive and attended by 100 guests . After the wedding ceremony ' exorcism ' finished the girl can marry a young man .
3 . ' Blacken ' bride in Scotland
There is a unique custom wedding customs in Scotland . When wedding , bride and groom take the entrails of sheep and bridegroom wear similar skirts . Furthermore , groom , family and friends of the bride will be watered with raw eggs , dirty water , sauce and sour milk . Habits ' blacken bride ' is a very old wedding rituals are performed after the marriage vows .
4 . The bride to be obese
Unlike with the general standard of beauty , beautiful women in Mauritania is a large -sized woman . If a woman is going to get married , they will be placed in a village called ' fat camp ' to ' eliminate ' wrinkles and more attractive . Ritual ' Leblouh ' in the local language that would require girls to marry eating all kinds of food to fat quickly . Daily diet consists of two pounds of meat and five gallons of camel's milk every day . If they vomit , supervisory officers would abuse them .
5 . Bridal prohibited shitting
Tradition in Borneo peninsula is no less strange . Having a happy marriage ritual , the bridal couple Tidung requires removing impurities must defer large and small for 72 hours , or about three days and three nights . Thus, the bridal couple will be restricted eating and drinking and monitored so as not to go to the toilet . When undergoing this ritual , the couple will live a happy marriage , and was awarded many healthy children .

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